Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Greetings from "Iceland"

Winter is hear with a furry! I know that most people out there are experiencing some sort of Winter weather. Today we have ice. No new snow yet, but rumor has it we could get 9 to 18 inches. It is cold out. It is grey out. But.... the ice on the trees is pretty to look at. I just hope none of the big branches break and do any damage to our roof or our barn.
My husband took the day off because he drives an hour to work and has to go through small towns and on back country roads. He agonized over the decision to call off this morning for almost 3 hours. I kind of did too, only from our bed. He did it up watching the news, and calling a guy that lives close to where he works to check on the weather there, and watching the weather outside the window and the cars driving by our house. You see where he works I think they want to play a real life game of fear factor. There are alwasy rumors flying around about the dreaded lay offs. So from one Friday to the next we really never know if he will have a job. God has been so gracious to us for a long time with my husband being employed. It has been over a full year since he was last laid off. We just never want to assume that another lay off won't happen. We have exeperienced a few so far. I do want to rest and have peace in God as our ultimate provider because He is. So that is a thing I struggle with internally alot. It is sin for me to not trust God at His word. Lord, please help me to trust and to be content with whatever circumstance you bring our way.
My girls are so tired of snow days. They don't really like to go out and play in the snow and the colder weather. I used to play in the snow all of the time, but we had a great sledding hill in our back yard. We live in Illinois and it is flat here. Cabin fever has struck our house, along with some real fever too. Today noone is sick yet. Two of my girls have had the fever, sore throat, cough, and body aches. The cough hangs on and on and on.
I think we are all looking forward to Spring. 48 days till the first day of Spring!
Happy February 1, 2011! We have successfully made it through January 2011 by the grace of God!

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